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Showing posts with label Sorority Recruitment Video. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sorority Recruitment Video. Show all posts

Monday, August 11, 2014

10 Essentials: Recruitment Videos

The trend of recruitment videos is on the rise.  Chapters nationwide are taking part, and creating videos to share in the excitement of recruitment season!  They can be a great tool for recruitment as well.  We posted some favorites a while back, to check out for inspiration!  Our first video has some great ideas too.  But what exactly makes for a great recruitment video?  What tips can your chapter use to set your video apart from the rest?  We've compiled 10 essentials to help make your video the best it can be!

1. Music
Music sets the tone and mood for the video.  Go with something energetic to amp it up (check out our Summer Playlist & EDM Workout Playlist for ideas), and infuse it with more mellow tracks to add emphasis to sentimental parts.  Your videographer can often mix songs together to do this, to transition from mood to mood.  Adding a small break in the video (such as fading the screen to white and then coming back on again) can help to make the shift in moods easier between segments.  Or, pick one song the whole way through and stick with it.  There are plenty of great songs out there, so you can pick one that's uniquely yours!  Pay attention to the lyrics in the songs to make sure they fit the tone you're trying to get across.  At the end of the video, you can add credits to the songs you chose.

2. Lighting
Lighting is everything!  If you're going for outdoor shots, lighting is best either in the morning or mid to late afternoon.  Direct sunlight during lunchtime hours (from 11:30am until about 1:30pm) can be harsh, and can create unwanted shadows.  Plus, you don't want to be squinting from the sun!  Shoot outdoors during prime lighting hours, and you will capture the natural "glow" that makes everything look magical.

3. Showcase Your Sisterhood
Who are you?  What is your chapter all about?  Be sure to include this in the video, and capture the essence of who you are as a sisterhood.  Being in a sorority isn't all about perfectly staged glamour shots either, so be sure to include shots of simply being yourselves-- who you are on a daily basis.  This adds personality and authenticity to the video.

4. Add Interviews
Adding a message from the president or recruitment chair, even a few sentences, makes for a personal touch.  This can be accomplished as either a voiceover (paired with different footage while she's talking) or as a direct interview where she's seen talking to the camera.  She can also look slightly away from the camera, to give the look like she's talking to someone else.  Not all of the interview needs to be shown; your videographer can edit the interview to include the best highlights.  Other chapter members can also be interviewed, and pairing sisters off (such as a big/little duo) to show their personalities is great too!  The background music can fade down during these parts, so it's not completely off while you listen to people speaking.

5. Tidy Up
If you're shooting inside your chapter house, make sure things are looking as clean as possible.  Be mindful of any eyesores (such as garbage cans, trash, or messy piles) laying around, so you can move them out of the shots.  Think of the little details too, such as clean nails.  Not everyone needs to run out and get a manicure, but make sure that your nails are dirt-free!

6. Get Creative
Videos are a great time to show your creativity.  Think of shots that are outside the box... not everything needs to show smiling faces.  Think close up "moving picture" shots; such as things hanging on the walls, t-shirts you have created, accessories, arms linked together from behind, you get the idea.  You can also infuse black & white footage, or "Instagram" like filters or colors in certain scenes.  Put together some sort of storyline, so the video has a clear concept from beginning to end.

7. Have Fun & Be Yourself
Capture the moments, get candid.  Be silly.  Adding some "behind the scenes" footage or "bloopers" can add an element of fun to the video!  It shows who you are, and that you don't take yourselves too seriously.  

8. Smile
Laugh, smile, feel the happiness that is your sisterhood.  There's nothing like true happiness... and when it's captured on film, it's pure magic.

9. Get Styled
Plan out any looks or outfits prior to shooting the video, so you're not racing to put outfits together last minute.  Go for a color scheme, or similar accessories.  Not everyone needs to look like an identical cookie cutter either... your sisters can showcase their own personal style, while still looking visually cohesive with the group in the video.  Take a bohemian theme for example; flowy tops, jeans, shorts, maxi dresses, kimonos, floppy hats, turquoise jewelry, flower crowns... it all works!

10. Time It Right
Videos should be just long enough, but not too long.  Keep it under 3-4 minutes, so you keep your audience's attention.  Even better, keep it under 2 minutes, and you'll leave your viewers wanting more!  Edit the scenes, so you're left with only the footage that truly is the best.

Do you have any tips for a great recruitment video?  Share with us below, and also be sure to share your videos with us as well!  We would love to see!
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